25 Mar 2020
We know that the Covid-19 pandemic is of deep concern to everyone in North East Lincolnshire.
We are working hard with our partners to coordinate the response. We have contingency plans in place to keep essential services running – that means looking after the elderly, the vulnerable, children, as well as delivering our street services such as emptying bins. We are also working closely with central government and the health service to cope with whatever contingency plans are needed. The important thing is that we work together as a community to keep North East Lincolnshire running.
You can sign up for local digital updates for the latest on our Coronavirus response https://www.nelincs.gov.uk/COVID-19-notifications
Protecting everyone in North East Lincolnshire is our utmost priority, particularly the most vulnerable. We are all working closely across the public, community and voluntary sectors to offer advice and support and to get help to people who need it. If you are concerned about anyone locally or you need help yourself, please contact:
We have witnessed an amazing community response to the challenges created by COVID-19 and there are so many local people and groups volunteering to support with the effort locally or asking how they can get involved. We are working to get all of this information in one place so we can best co-ordinate community and voluntary sector activity across North East Lincolnshire. Working together is our best way through the challenges now and ahead.
If you are considering setting up a group of local volunteers to help neighbours please check online to see if any local groups have already been set up, and contact them first. Alternatively, contact your local community centre or charity to see if you can support their work. If you still plan to set something up, and need advice and guidance on issues like safety, volunteering and data protection, you can contact Sector Support North East Lincolnshire. Sector Support are funded by North East Lincolnshire Council and the Clinical Commissioning Group and are helping to co-ordinate community and voluntary sector activity. They can be contacted on 07572 896859 (Amy Hallett) or 07791 040433 (Pippa Robson), or email amy@nbforum.org.uk. Their website is https://www.sectorsupportnel.org.uk/
If you are already involved in a community group that is helping to support older, vulnerable or isolated people during the COVID-19 response, please let us know about the support you can offer and the resources you need by completing this survey https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/XPYF7BG Businesses that want to offer their support are also welcome to complete the survey or get in touch with Sector Support.
Individuals who would like to help but do not know of any local groups or activities, can register at www.bluelightsbrigade.co.uk. Blue Lights Brigade are supporting the effort across the borough and will make sure that you are linked in to the local effort and volunteering opportunities and needs near you.
Bringing all of this information together will allow us to collate all of this information, allowing us to organise a better response between us all (public, voluntary and community sectors) and work in a more coordinated way.
We thank everyone for their help at this time.
Other contact information
Further notes for volunteers
If you are volunteering to help someone who is vulnerable or isolated, please take the below steps to make sure you do not contribute to the spread of COVID-19.
Claire Thompson